January 7th, 2018 by PCGHS Band

Date: 6 Jan 2018

Time: 8am – 12pm

Venue: B5 – B7, Auditorium

We started the new school year by holding our annual gotong-royong and clearing away the dusty remnants of the past year. The music room and auditorium were cleaned promptly, thanks to our hardworking members. This was to ensure our members can practice in a clean and comfortable environment. We also worked to separate and classify our music scores. In a few hours time, we ended this gotong-royong in high spirits.

“And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were.” —Rainer Maria Rilke


Quartermasters setting out the hats and shoes to dry.


Sorting out old scores vs. new scores.


Saxophones polishing their instruments.


Trumpet section inspecting their instruments.

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