April 29th, 2023 by PCGHS Band
时间: 晚上 七点三十分
林芷郇 012-3871303
沈靖文 012-5605853
庄雨璇 017-5566834
彭子怡 016-6453934
林修齐 017-5566272
林凯琪 013-5305657
林凯雯 016-2944337

After months of intense rehearsals and meticulous preparation, every member of PCGHS Band has contributed their effort into presenting this upcoming concert. This concert will be an unforgettable night of music, where everyone will feel the emotions and energy of the music, eagerly anticipating to create beautiful musical memories together with our audience.

The concert “DIE ERSTEN BLÜTEN” will bring you a delightful musical experience, allowing audiences to feel the charm of music at its inception, and witness the blossoming beauty of music.
Date: 27th May 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Venue: Pinghui Hall, Penang Chinese Girls’ High School
Ticket: VIP seat | Normal seat | Third floor seat
To know more, please contact:
Ysanne Lim 012-3871303
Sim Jing Wen 012-5605853
Cheng Yi Shuen 017-5566834
Phang Ziyi 016-6453934
Lim Xiu Qi 017-5566272
Lim Kai Chyi 013-5305657
Lim Kai Wen 016-2944337
May 1st, 2017 by PCGHS Band

It showed that all the hard work and all the sacrifice paid off; if you put your mind to it and you believe it, you can achieve it. More than anything, I’m grateful that I got the opportunity to go for this competition again. It made all the hard work and everything I put in over the last two years pay off. A gift of that value is a reward for a season of hard work. – Maeve Tan K3E Trombone

We got gold! All of our hard work has paid off. This has been a wonderful learning experience for me as I learnt a lot of new things and improved my playing technique. I hope that next year we can participate in the competition again. Also… the Dewan Sri Pinang is big! – Lim Ying Ying K2B Trombone

所谓: “一份耕耘,一分收获”, 天下没有不劳而获的东西。我们都必须靠努力才能得来好的成绩。经过这次的比赛,我感到高兴及光荣,因为可以为校争光。我希望我们铜乐队还可以在接下来的比赛中夺冠。- Hong Jing Ling K1F Percussion

March 30th, 2017 by PCGHS Band

假期的训练营,一开始对所有人来说,是非常辛苦的日子。可是在这些训练营之后,我们将会突破自己,成为一个更好更进步的自己。在这一次的训练营里,我们都深深地体验到“台上一分钟,台下十年功”这个道理。以往在我们看学界表演时,我们看见的都是她们完美的表演,我们忽略的他们在表演前的努力。现在我们都为了在表演时可以做得更好,都付出了100%的努力。这次的训练营让我们学会了如何团结一致完成事情,更训练了所有成员变得坚韧不拔。我希望这一次我们的努力将会让我们的演出更完美。- Yeoh Goh Jie-Xi K3C Tenor Saxophone

During the recent school holidays, a training camp was organised in the school. The purpose of training camp is to let us improve. Although it was tough and we’ve gone through pains and sorrows, yet it was very memorable because our band mates brought us fun, joy and laughter. However, I felt that time just slip through our hands without us noticing while marching around the field and practicing our songs. Through this training camp, I’ve learnt the importance of teamwork and syncing. I get to learn new knowledge and although its been hard for all of us, we still get to enjoy ourselves very much. I hope that through this training camp, I can know more about myself and improve my skills. ‘ Practice makes perfect ‘ after all. -Jacelyn Cho Vyin Yeng K2B Flute


这一次在假期举行的训练营让我学到了许多东西,也让我有了一个难忘的经验。虽然我们必须在天还未亮之前就起床出发,但这其中的有趣活动却让我们忘记了一切的疲劳。在这次的训练营中,有着多不胜数的活动。举个例子,我们进行了操步练习。这让我们变得更具有默契,同时也有助于锻炼我们的身体。不仅如此,我们也因此而变得更有纪律。此外,我们在课室里练习自己的音乐技巧,以便于在接下来的比赛中发挥出自己最好的一面,并高唱凯歌告捷。我认为这是一个非常有意义的活动,希望以后还会举行类似的活动。-Vicky Tan K1A Percussion