December 30th, 2016 by PCGHS Band

As it was mentioned in the practice timetable, our school band held our last training camp of the year in this december school holidays. In this training camp, we improved our musical skills and marching skills. During the process, our band members have also exchanged their understanding and opinion of club between each other, which in […]

December 23rd, 2016 by PCGHS Band

Please take note that there are some changes of our practice time, a few practice days are added is to practice for the performance for form 1 orientation day. Sorry for any inconvenience cause. 24/12 (Saturday) 8am-12pm Auditorium 28/12(Wednesday) 8am-2pm Auditorium 29/12(Thursday) 8am-2pm Auditorium 30/12(Friday) 7am-2pm Auditorium (Performance day)

December 20th, 2016 by PCGHS Band

After 5 years of commitment in our band, the F5 seniors are leaving us. Time flies, still remember when they first step into the band, from knowing nothing until now, they have gone through a lot. All those blood sweat and tears were not wasted, it leads us to success. This day, an anniversary team […]

December 8th, 2016 by PCGHS Band

After 2 weeks of school holiday, here comes our school band activity! According to the timetable, Dec 8 is our gotong-royong day. To get ready for our coming training camp, we clean up the music room and auditorium. This is to ensure our members can practice in a clean and comfortable environment. All members attend […]